2023 InPEx Pre-Workshop

October 19-20, 2023

LocationHôtel La Caserne Chanzy - 18, rue Tronsson Ducoudray, 51100 Reims, FranceDateOctober 19-20, 2023OrganizerNumPEx

Workshop Presentation

This workshop has been organised by the French program NumPEx (Numeric for Exascale).

Agenda & Documentation


9:00 - 10:00 - Welcome & Coffee (on-site)

Context and Objectives of the meeting

Pete Beckman (NAISE), Jean-Yves Berthou (Inria)

Presentations and exchanges on the state of the art for Exascale and post-Exascale projects/programs:

Japan (30 min) – Riken CCS Presentation

Satoshi Matsuoka (Riken CCS)

USA (30 min)

Pete Beckman (NAISE) - Science for AI Presentation

Ceren Susut-Bennett (DOE-Science) - DOE-Science Presentation

Thuc Hoang (DOE – NNSA) - DOE-NNSA Post-Exascale Presentation

Europe (30 min)

Stéphane Requena (Genci) - EuroHPC Presentation

Bernd Mohr (Jülich Computing Center) - Jupiter Presentation

Jérôme Bobin (CEA) - NumPEx Presentation

Gabriel Antoniu (Inria) - EUPEX Presentation

Michèle Weiland (EPCC – University of Edinburgh) - Exascale in UK Presentation

12:00 - 13:30 - Lunch and group photo

Subgroup session 1:

#1 – Software production and management: packaging, documentation, builds, results, catalogs, continuous integration, containerization, LLVM, parallel tools and sustainability. – Bernd Mohr (Jülich Computing Center), Bruno Raffin (Inria)

#2 – HPC/AI convergence: ML, LLM for science, open models and datasets for AI training – Pete Beckman (NAISE), Jérôme Bobin (CEA)

#3 – Energy and environmental impact and sustainability – Michèle Weiland (EPCC – University of Edinburgh), Georges Da Costa (IRIT) 

15:00 - 15:30 - Coffee Break

Subgroup session 2:

#1 – Future and disruptive SW & HW technologies and usages (including accelerators): roadmaps, adoption… – Jack Dongarra (Univ. Tennessee), Jean-Yves Berthou (Inria)

#2 – Co-design, benchmarks/mini Apps/Proxy and evaluation (HW & SW & Applications) – Jean-Pierre Vilotte (CNRS), Masaaki Kondo (Riken CCS)

#3 – Digital Continuum and Data management – Francesc Lordan (BSC), François Bodin (Univ. Rennes)

17:15 - 22:00 - Social Event & Dinner

 Thematic Subgroups Rapporteurs (20 min. each)

Bernd Mohr (Jülich Computing Center), Bruno Raffin (Inria) - Software production and management Presentation

Pete Beckman (NAISE), Jérôme Bobin (CEA) - HPC/AI convergence Presentation

Michèle Weiland (EPCC – University of Edinburgh), Georges Da Costa (IRIT) - Energy and environmental impact and sustainability Presentation

Jack Dongarra (Univ. Tennessee), Jean-Yves Berthou (Inria) - Future and disruptive technologies and usages Presentation

Jean-Pierre Vilotte (CNRS), Masaaki Kondo (Riken CCS) - Co-design, benchmarks/ mini Apps / Proxy and evolution Presentation

Francesc Lordan (BSC), François Bodin (Univ. Rennes) - Digital Continuum and Data management Presentation

11:00 - 11:30 - Coffee Break

Emmanuel Jeannot (Inria), Jean-Yves Berthou (Inria) - Preparing the InPEx BoF for SC2023 Presentation

Pete Beckman (NAISE), Jean-Yves Berthou (Inria), Satoshi Matsuoka (Riken CSS) - Preparing the InPEx Workshop series Presentation

12:30 - Conclusion

InPEx BoF Organisers

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