InPEx Birds of a Feather – SuperComputing 2023

November 15, 2023

LocationDenverDateNovember 15, 2023 - 17:15 (301-303)

Workshop Presentation

sc23 denver

The International Post-Exascale (InPEx) workshop series has presented a Birds of a Feather during The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (Nov. 12–17, 2023, Denver, CO).

The BoF, bringing together leading experts in the field of HPC, aims to foster the community on post-Exascale R&D and build on transnational initiatives such as NumPExEuroHPCECPFugaku-Next around critical subjects like soft production, HPC/AI convergence, energy, etc.

Birds of Feather Supercomputing 2023

Agenda & Documentation

The InPEx BoF was chaired by Dr. Emmanuel Jeannot (Inria)


EuroHPC Presentation

US Presentation

DOE-ASCR Presentation
DOE NNSA Presentation
NSF Presentation

Japan - Riken RCCS Presentation

Open discussions after the presentations for 30 minutes – chaired by Dr. Emmanuel Jeannot (Inria)

InPEx BoF Organisers