The PEPR NumPEx is managed by the CEA, the CNRS and Inria.

The administration of this website has been entrusted to:

Inria – Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique

Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt – B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex – France
Téléphone : +33 1 39 63 55 11

Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse (President of Inria)
Editorial directors: Jean-Yves Berthou (Inria), Jérôme Bobin (CEA), Michaël Krajecki (CNRS)

Contact: Send a message on the contact form.

Name of host: WPEngine
Address of host: Techspace, 25 Worship St, London EC2A 2DX, Royaume-Uni
Host contact: +44 20 3770 9704

Inria, located at Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt,78153 Le Chesnay Cedex – France, informs you that personal data is processed by the PEPR NumPEx pilots. When certain information is compulsory in order to access specific features of the site, this compulsory nature is indicated at the time the data is collected. If you refuse to provide compulsory information, you may not be able to access certain services.

Personal data recorded

Personal data may be collected by PEPR NumPEx, Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt,78153 Le Chesnay Cedex – France.

IP addresses collected for statistical purposes by the MATOMO software are anonymised, i.e. the first two bytes of an IP address are retained. This process prevents it from being traced back to an individual.

Types of data collected:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • e-mail address
  • Organisation (institute, laboratory, etc.)
  • Position (director, journalist, communications officer, etc.)

Are likely to be in the context of :

  • subscription to the newsletter
  • participation in events

Recipients of the data

This data can be accessed by:

  • Webmasters, site administrators
  • The site administrators (including external service providers) may need to consult this data for technical reasons and for the operation of the site;
  • The Inria Data Protection Officer.

Data retention period

Data is kept for a period of:

  • At the end of an event, the list of data required for registration is deleted.
  • Newsletter registration: until the person concerned requests to unsubscribe.
  • One year for the technical management of the site
  • A maximum of five years for content and news.

Transfer of data outside the European Union

No data is transferred outside the European Union.

Individual rights

In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, in particular Law No. 78-17 of 6 January, as amended, relating to information technology, files and freedoms and European Regulation No. 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016 (applicable since 25 May 2018), you have the following rights:

  • Exercise your right of access to your personal data;
  • Ask for your data to be updated if it is inaccurate;
  • Request the portability or deletion of your data;
  • Request the deletion of your account;
  • Request the restriction of the processing of your data;
  • Object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your data;
  • Withdraw your consent to the processing of your data.

To exercise these rights

Fill in the contact form on this site.


Right to lodge a complaint

If, after contacting us, you feel that your rights with regard to Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties have not been respected, you may lodge a complaint online with the CNIL or by post.

Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)
3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715
75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

When you visit this website, information may be recorded in “cookie” files stored in the browser of your terminal (computer, tablet or mobile phone). This page explains what a cookie is, what it is used for and how you can accept or reject those that are not essential to the operation and management of the site.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file containing small amounts of information (in particular an identifier in the form of a number, (a session for example, a choice of language, a code to protect your browsing, the name of the server that deposited it and possibly an expiry date) and likely to be stored temporarily, subject to your choices for cookies not necessary for the operation of the site, on the hard disk of your terminal when you consult a website using your browser software. Cookies are managed by your web browser and the user can read them by right-clicking on the web page and “Inspect code”.

Only the sender of a cookie can modify the information contained in it. A cookie can be either a session cookie or a permanent (or persistent) cookie.

A session cookie persists only during the browsing session and is deleted when the browser is closed. A permanent cookie is set for a specific period of time. This type of cookie remains on the terminal until it expires or until it is deleted from the computer via the browser settings or extensions.

The cookie does not identify you personally, only your terminal’s browser. Some cookies require your prior consent before being installed on your terminal.

What are cookies used for?

The different types of cookie

Mandatory cookies

These are cookies placed exclusively by the site publisher. They are essential for navigation on the site. These cookies cannot be deactivated or configured, otherwise you will no longer be able to access the site or its services and/or their display will be altered. They enable you to use the main features of the site and to secure your connection. Depositing these cookies does not require your prior consent. Their lifetime generally does not exceed the duration of the session.

Functional cookies

These cookies are necessary for the operation of the site. The placement of these cookies does not require your prior consent. These cookies are used to:

  • Compile anonymous statistics on visits to and use of the various components of the site to enable the publisher to administer and improve the site.
  • Adapt the presentation of the site to your terminal’s display preferences (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to the site, depending on the hardware and viewing or reading software that your terminal is equipped with.

“Third party” cookies Some sites may include computer applications from third parties who may place “social”, advertising, targeting and tracking cookies. In particular the services :

  • Consent or refusal to deposit cookies by the Axeptio tool, published by the French company Agilitation, which has been selected to manage cookies.
  • Viewing content via hosts such as YouTube, Dailymotion, etc. for videos.
  • For sharing information on social networks, which allow you to share content on the site with other people or to let these other people know about your consultation or your opinion regarding content on our site.

The cookies placed by these third parties may remember the pages and websites you have visited and may collect personal data such as IP address and share it with third parties. These cookies enable advertising agencies to present you with targeted and personalised advertising. They have a variable lifespan, ranging from session time or a few tens of minutes to several years. This site has no control over the process used by content hosts and social networks to collect information relating to your browsing and associated with the personal data they hold. You can manage the placement of these cookies. To view certain content, you must first accept cookies from these third parties.

How do I manage cookies?

Cookies whose sole purpose is not to enable or facilitate communication by electronic means or which are not strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service at the express request of the user require the prior consent of the Internet user.

Tracers whose purpose is limited to measuring the anonymous audience of the site or application, in order to meet the various needs required for the operation and day-to-day administration of a website are not subject to consent.

To manage cookies, you have several complementary options:

  • Accept or refuse unnecessary or non-functional cookies using the Axeptio-certified consent tool. A “Cookie management” widget button allows you to accept or refuse cookies requiring consent, in particular those from third-party companies. The widget provides information on the purposes of these cookies and a link to their privacy protection policy via a “?”.
  • Exercise your choices with third-party companies by consulting their privacy protection policy. There you will find the purposes for which they are used, in particular advertising, and the browsing information they may collect using the application buttons available on the site consulted. You can therefore configure your user accounts to accept or refuse the cookies placed by these companies.
  • Control cookies using your browser settings. Most of these cookies can be deactivated by setting your browser so that it only accepts cookies from the sites you visit (refuse “third-party sites”, tick the Do not track me box on most browsers) in your browser preferences. In “Private Browsing” mode, cookies will only disappear when you close your browser window.

How do I configure browsers?
Browser settings

In order to manage cookies as closely as possible to your wishes, we invite you to configure your browser according to the purpose of the cookies:

  • The browser can be set to warn you before a cookie is installed.
  • The browser can also be set to refuse all types of cookies or only third-party cookies.
  • Any cookies already installed on the computer can be deleted.
  • Each browser must be set up separately to refuse cookies.

Disable/Delete Cookies on your browser

For Internet Explorer™:

For Safari™:

For Safari™mobile:

For Chrome™:

For Firefox™:

For Opera™:

For Microsoft Edge™:

Use blockers for cookies and other trackers via browser extensions such as:

Warning: blocking mandatory or functional cookies may disrupt your browsing experience and restrict the services offered.

Manage advertising cookies for certain advertisers on two professional platforms and at Google:

Deactivate social network cookies

Setting up your smartphone

For iOS™:

For Android™:

Other browsers: For more information on how to manage cookies via other browsers, please consult your documentation or online help files.

You can also consult the CNIL website to learn how to set your browser to control the deposit of cookies on your terminal.

Information specific to cookies

Cookies are small text files stored by your browser which are used to identify you each time you change pages on a site. This site does not use cookies to track your activity. The “pll_language” cookie is only used to detect the browser language and expires at the end of your visit. When the homepage is visited, it redirects to itself in the language preferred by your browser.

Any third-party cookies (e.g. Google) may appear when browsing certain pages, but only if you have previously accepted the privacy policy of the sender on their original sites; they are not necessary for the operation of our site.

For more information on cookies, please consult the CNIL website:

Inria cannot be held liable in any way for the content of the information on this site or for the consequences that may result from its use or interpretation.

Disclaimer of liability

The Inria may not be held liable in any way for the content of the information on this site or for the consequences that may result from its use or interpretation.

Intellectual property rights

The content, texts, including videos, brands, logos and images that appear or are available on the site are protected by intellectual property law.

As such, you agree not to use, extract, copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit or disseminate the content of the site protected by intellectual property law, without the prior written permission of the Inria.

The acronym “CEA”, the words “Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives” and the CEA logo; the acronym “CNRS”, the words “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” and the CNRS logo; the acronym “Inria”, the words “Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique” and the Inria logo are registered trademarks. In this context, it is forbidden to refer to the corporate names or trademarks of CEA, CNRS or Inria for any purpose whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorisation of CEA, CNRS or Inria. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of these trademarks or logos from elements of the site without the express authorisation of these entities is prohibited under Articles L.713-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, unauthorised use of the corporate names of CNRS, CEA or Inria or their names constitutes a fault within the meaning of articles 1240 and 1241 of the French Civil Code.

Hypertext links

The reproduction of a link from this site to a site published by a third party in no way constitutes validation of this site or its content on the part of Inria.

Inria cannot be held responsible for the content produced on a site published by a third party to which links are established, or for any other information published on this site, as well as for the consequences of their use.

The creation of hypertext links by third parties to pages or documents published on the Inria website is authorised provided that the links do not contravene the interests of the Inria and that they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin and author of the document. It is specified that the establishment of such hypertext links for the purposes of commercial promotion of products or services offered by a third party is prohibited.

Reporting illegal content

If you believe that any content is illegal within the meaning of art. 6-I of the French law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, you may bring it to the attention of the host via the contact form.

Reporting false information

If you believe that inaccurate information is likely to disturb public order or alter the sincerity of one of the electoral polls within the meaning of Law no.2018-1202 of 22 December 2018 on the fight against the manipulation of information, you can bring this to the attention of the host on the contact form page.

Development agencyNaos Agency
Agency address: 104 rue Marc Sangnier, 94700 Maisons Alfort
Agency contact: Use the contact form of the Agency